Friday, August 8, 2008


Man is it a faith step to move into full time ministry, not that I have yet, but that I am building the faith and the friends to do so. God has awesome plans for the city of Sheboygan if we will only repent of what has screened us away from seeing His plan... Parents are gone for the weekend... time for some time with Abba...

Long time No BLog

So I haven't written something here in a while. Is it because I don't have anything to say? No. Too busy to say anything? No, not that either. Well then what? How's about forgetfulness and lack of discipline. Sorry.

On with this post....
I am feeling pulled in many different directions right now. I know that someday I will be involved full time in a house of prayer in Sheboygan, but I am not sure where the training will be or the timing.

Trusting God's timing is the hardest best thing to ever be done.